Cast: A
Plot: A+
Special Effects/Stunts: B+
Similarity to Comic: B
Director: Shane Black
Comic Company: Marvel
Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce
Rating: PG-13
See the IMDB page
See the Rotten Tomatoes page
I liked this movie a lot, it may be the best of the franchise except for one simple thing; it doesn't quite fit with the others.
The Good: The cast was solid again which was to be expected and they didn't replace anyone this time! Guy Pearce was excellent and put up much more of a fight than Whiplash and his henchmen were much bigger threats to Iron Man than Whiplashes drones were. The fight scenes were pretty good, especially the final one, it was everything you could ask for in a fight scene that involved nearly invincible super-humans and 50 some Iron Man suits,
Another thing I really like about this movie was the plot. For once there was a villain who's main goal wasn't just killing Iron Man but also to get rich and rule the world, a much more classic and likable villain. His idea for world domination was also very well thought out, controller both the United States and the worlds most notorious terrorist was smart and modern. Overall it was very well thought out, written, and directed.
The Bad: There aren't many bad things about this movie. My main point of contention is that by switching directors they totally changed the feel of the movie. This movie is good but it doesn't really mesh with the other ones, it brings a fresh perspective but becomes too unique in the details. I would have kept Favreau as the director, unless they plan on using Shane Black to direct Iron Man 4 and 5.
This movie didn't follow up on the plot lines from the second Iron Man movie. I would have liked to know the United States governments stance on letting Tony keep the suit and continue being Iron Man. Since he saved the world from Whiplash and an Alien Invasion and leads a gang of other superheros all of a sudden he is exempt from all laws of combat and they're just fine letting him fly around and hunt terrorists? I think they could have at least brought this up at some point and upped the realism just a little bit.
The Interesting: PTSD. Tony Stark has it in this movie. I like that they're finally showing a more emotional side of Tony, and a more real perspective on what it would actually be like to be in charge of defending the Earth from unknown threats and not knowing if you protect everyone or not. I do not like that they're showing a hero being weak and unable to take care of himself. I'm kind of torn on this issue but I think it plays into the movie well.
At the end he gets his heart fixed and no longer requires the electro magnet in his chest. How will he power future Iron Man suits? Will they be as effective? Will he try to leave the Avengers? The end of this movie brought up a lot of questions and I am very excited to see how they all get answered in the next Avengers movie.
Conclusion: This is a very good movie but it doesn't quite fit. It's like putting a delicious apple in a basket of oranges, you don't mind it, but it's a little odd.
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