Jun 11, 2011

X-Men: First Class (2011)

Overall: B+
Cast: B-
Plot: A+
Special Effects/Stunts: B
Similarity to Comic: D
Director: Mathew Vaughn
Comic Company: Marvel
Stars: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Bacon
Rating: PG-13
See the IMDB page
See the Rotten Tomatoes page

I can't lie to you guys, this was probably the best X-Men movie, I saw it twice.  Sure it had some minor plot holes, scientific discrepancies, and a relatively unknown cast, but overall it was put together well and was very entertaining.

The Good: For a large cast made up of relatively unknown actors I was impressed with the acting.  MOST of the supporting characters did well.  I was very skeptical of how James McAvoy would play Professor Xavier, because well, he walks and has hair.  He ended up doing a really good job though, as did Michael Fassbender did a good job playing Magneto, the old man was very bad ass back in his day apparently.  Kevin Bacon... Kevin Bacon?  Why wasn't he advertised as much in the previews for this movie?  He did a fantastic job.  Finally they made an X-Men movie with the actual X-Men costumes, was that so hard?  Although they do make a comment about them being bulletproof then Xavier gets shot but I'm not going to get into that.

My favorite part about this movie was how well they tied together the fictional and the historical.  I thought it was genius how they intertwined the Cuban missile crisis with Shaw and his ability to absorb power.  It also did a good job setting up the humans vs. mutants theme that's prevalent in all of the other movies.  I also liked that they used the SR-71 Blackbird as the X-Men's official plane and throughout the movie I enjoyed seeing how they made almost everything look like it was in the 60's, it was a nice change of pace from the futuristic or modern day superhero movies.

The Bad: Okay, if you absolutely need to cast a ginger, there is only one acceptable circumstance, and that is if you're making a Harry Potter movie and are casting Ron Weasly.  I thought the ginger actor who played Banshee was incredibly annoying.  I also didn't like the guy who played Darwin, his body was so awkward looking it was distracting, he was too buff, but too skinny at the same time.  I didn't like the girl who played Raven either, she was okay in her normal looking form but when she's in her natural blue form I don't think she acts very well.

This movie is very far from being what I would consider accurate to the comic book.  They completely ruined Angel, made Banshee WAY less bad ass, killed off Darwin, and didn't even mention Cyclopes or Dr. Grey.  Not to mention the fact that at the end of X-Men: Origins Professor Xavier is clearly walking, and that was set in 1979, so why does he get paralyzed in this movie?  I also didn't like that they changed the SR-71 Blackbird by giving it enough room for the whole team and by giving it hover capabilities.

The Interesting: I want to have been at the meeting when somebody said "Hey, you know what would be cool?  If we changed Angel from being a really buff tough guy to a teenage stripper that looks like a dragonfly!"  I mean come on, I'm all for using hot girls to attract the teenage boys that make up this movies target audience, but there were enough almost-boobs between Emma Frost and blue Raven to do that.  I just don't get it, either change only one little thing about a character or change everything about a character and give them a different name.  Turning Angel into a teenage dragonfly stripper is like turning Cyclopes into a robot prostitute or something, you just don't do that.

I liked how they did Beast, but did he really need his glasses?  He doesn't wear his glasses in the later movies, and you'd think "enhancing" his DNA would include improving his sight.  He also wore glasses that were almost exactly like Shaw's from the beginning of the movie.  Hugh Jackman had a funny cameo and I was kind of surprised that they used the F bomb in a PG-13 movie, and why did they get Jack Nicholson to play the Captain of the U.S. ship at the end of the movie?

Conclusion: I really liked this movie, and I hope someday I can own it.  If you want to see a great movie that slightly alters history and offers a different perspective on superheroes, this is a great choice.

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