Cast: B+
Plot: C
Special Effects/Stunts: A+
Similarity to Comic: A
Director: Marc Webb
Comic Company: Marvel
Stars: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx
Rating: PG-13
See the IMDB page
See the Rotten Tomatoes page
I was very excited about this movie when it was announced, and it totally delivered. But then it kept going and it ended all too quickly and left me wanting more, and not in a good way.
The Good: The one things that separates this from other superhero movies is the special effects and action sequences. They are hands down the best I have ever seen. The shots of Spider-Man flying through the air, falling from the sky, dodging bullets, and flipping around cars are absolutely breathtaking. The CGI is nearly perfect and the transitions to real actors are seamless. I don't know how much money they spent on computer effects but they were worth every single penny.
The actors were decent in this film, no better or worse than the last one, but there is a big difference. There is a chemistry between Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield that almost makes you believe they are in love in real life. I don't know if it was all the acting, the writing, the editing, or a combination of all of them but I was blown away by how real their love felt. Jamie Foxx did remarkably well as Electro and brought real emotion to his obsessive and compulsive character. A good show from the actors across the board.
The Bad: This movie had a good ending, but then it kept going. After Spider-Man defeated Electro they should have wrapped things up and saved the Goblin for the next film. INSTEAD they had Spider-Man fight the Green Goblin for about two minutes and then the pace of the movie changed completely. Gwen dies and Peter becomes a recluse and then two minutes after that he's back and goes out to fight the Rhino and then right before that fight goes down (which I was very much looking forward to) the movie ends.
I gave this movie a bad plot rating not really because of the story lines but because they went into what feels like the beginning of the third movie and then rushed out of it to close it out. It made the entire second movie feel like a build up to the third. Don't get me wrong, I'm terribly excited to see the next movie now, but I feel cheated by the second one.
The Interesting: Spoiler alert; Gwen dies, as I previously mentioned. I don't really know how to feel about it. It creates drama sure, but I was just starting to like Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield together and now what? Are they going to put Mary Jane into the next movie? Will Gwen's character still have an effect on Peter in the next movie? They kind of wrapped that all up pretty quickly, so it wouldn't really make sense to me, but it could happen.
How does nobody know who Spider-Man is yet? All it would take it for one person to see Spider-man take a selfie for the Bugle and see the little "Photo by Peter Parker" caption at the bottom. And Gwen literally screams "Peter!" at one point in time and alludes to his identity as he's in costume throughout the movie. Seriously all it would take is a burnt out private eye in the right place at the right time and Boom! Secret identity spoiled. Also, I really want to see J. J. Jameson, but I kind of don't. I don't think it could be done any better than it was done in the earlier Spider-Man movies by J. K. Simmons.
Conclusion: This film is good, it could have been better, but it's easy on the eyes and very exciting. Very few superhero movies are in the same class as this one.
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