Cast: C
Plot: A
Special Effects/Stunts: A
Similarity to Comic: B
Director: Zack Snyder
Comic Company: DC
Stars: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Russell Crowe
Rating: PG-13
See the IMDB page
See the Rotten Tomatoes page
When I saw this movie in the theater I fell asleep, I thought maybe it was a fluke so I bought the blu-ray and the next two times I watched it I also fell asleep. When I was finally able to stay awake for the whole thing I realized one thing; I do not like this movie.
The Good: Well it has the best special effects of any Superman movie to date. The CGI was almost perfect, which couldn't have been easy considering most of the film was shot using a handheld camera. The fight scenes were incredible, definitely better than anything previously done with Superman.
I liked how they brought back a tweaked version of the plot from 'Superman II'. I liked how they pieced together Superman's back story while progressing the rest of the plot. The actor who played General Zod was pretty good, and there were two or three scenes where he was absolutely terrifying. Russel Crowe did a decent job too, but his part was entirely too small.
The Bad: This movie was full of good ideas done poorly. I liked the action scenes, and I liked the effect of the handheld cameras, but I did not like how they were used together. Most of the movie was hard to follow with all of the flashbacks and all of the separate plot lines, and when something important or dramatic happened the music or intensity of the acting wouldn't change at all. The film was about an hour longer than it should have been and most of it was honestly pretty boring, aside from the two or three really cool fight scenes.
The thing that bothered me the most about this movie was the bad casting. Henry Cavill wasn't bad, but he lacked the charm and wit that Superman usually has. Amy Adams didn't look or play the part of Louis Lane very well, and she seemed more interested in the story of Superman than the crazy stuff happening all around her. The chemistry between them either seemed forced or non-existent.
The Interesting: There was no kryptonite, at all. This is the first Superman movie to not have it, and why? Wouldn't Zod, who is Hell bent on killing Superman get his hands on the one thing that's his weakness? Even Jor-El never mentioned it when he was explaining to Superman where he came from. In fact the only time Superman showed weakness was when he was in Zod's ship and adjusting to the atmospheric change, which should have also happened when he flew into space, right? Speaking of flying, how did he not now he could fly until Jor-El said he needed to push his limits? If I was super, the first thing I'd try to do is fly!
So Superman kills Zod by breaking his neck, cool, except that doesn't make any sense. How could they have gone through that entire last fight scene and not break his neck already? Or, how could he survive that entire fight scene and then something as simple as breaking his neck kill him? If you can get punched through buildings and cars you should be able to walk away from a broken neck. And why does Superman kill him on purpose like that? That's not a very Superman-ish thing to do.
Conclusion: This movie had so much potential, but it didn't capitalize on any of it. All of the hype and build up left me disappointed, just like every other Superman movie.
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